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Lefis Technology Limited
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Hong Kong S.A.R. Ver localização exata
Principais produtos:Hifu, equipamento de beleza a laser, máquina de emagrecimento,, máquina de RF, escultura
Número da classificação 3 tempo de resposta rápido em Rolo do massagerDesign-based customizationSample-based customizationMulti-Language capability: Testing instruments (3)

LEFlS founded in 2005 in Beiling, China,with the pursuit of safety and performance, LEFlS has become one of themost influential Chinese beauty equipment brands in the world. LEFlS continues to expand the product range, andcurrently covers 9 categories: 808 diode laser hair removal device, IPL, ND YAG, PICO, Fractional co2 laser , goldenRF micro-needle. body slimming device, HiFU, EMS, And there are more than 60 different configurations ofequipment can meet the needs of different countries and markets and provide customers with a comprehensivesupply chain of beauty equipment.